
American Legion - Thoman Boothe Post 338 - Overland, Missouri




Thoman-Boothe Post 338 Color/Honor Guard

The Missouri Military Honors Program assigns deceased Veterans funerals to the Honor Gurard each Monday at The Jefferson Barracks National Cemetary.

The Honor Guard then honors  deceased Veterans at the Jefferson Barracks Cemetary, which consist of firing  3 volley from a 3 man rifle team. Playing taps, folding the casket Flag and presenting it to the next of kin.   

The Color Guard, while marching in parades, are in front of the bagpipe band that the post sponsors. The Color Guard carries the American FLag, the Post Flag, and sometimes the State Flag. There is at least one rifleman with a Carbine rifle.  Kilts are worn for the parade.

The Color/Honor Guard also does flag ceremonies, flag retirement, flag presentation and lectures on the flag.